Cathy Campbell: The Giggly Guide to Grammar

The Giggly Guide to Grammar

Author: Cathy Campbell
Number of Pages: 277 pages
Published Date: 01 Jun 2008
Publisher: Discover Writing Pr
Publication Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781931492225
Download Link: Click Here

The Giggly Guide to Grammar is the life's work of a dedicated language arts teacher with a life-sized sense of humor and the hand of an artist. Cathy Campbell has both illustrated and long tested the exercises in this guide with her 9th grade students in The Woodlands, Texas. It's a lighthearted and ludicrous guide to the essential elements of language and grammar (with a few writing tips tossed into the mix). It's Shel Silverstein meets Strunk and White and the results are both hilarious and instructive. Tried and true, and everyone a delight, there isn't a serious sentence in the group. But this is a dead-serious grammar book with the heart of a clown. Lessons include: parts of speech, subject-verb agreement, parts of the sentence, clauses of all kinds, quotation marks and italics and much more. The Deluxe Teacher's Guide has a CD-Rom that includes a full answer set, posters for the classroom and a set of transparency-ready exercises for each of the chapters.